Enjoy the sun with our products of the week

Jul 23, 2015

This week we’re spotlighting two fabulous staples for your beauty bag. These two items are always handy but are even more useful in preventing and combating damage from the sun!


anti-aging-mask-fuenteAnti-aging mask (Fuente) – Anti-aging products aren’t just for the skin, especially when the sun is shining! We love this mask from Fuente, it’s great for long and thick hair as it helps with managing those pesky tangles or knots. You can also use it to give a little TLC to hair that’s breaking due to the drying effects of the sun or colouring.

It is deeply moisturising and packed with protein which will restore and rejuvenate hair to it’s healthy self. It’s so rich that you only need to use it once or twice a week unless your hair is very damaged and then you could use it up to 3 or 4 times a week for an intensive treatment.

The mask also contains a a vitamin E oxidant that delays and prevents cell aging along with a UV-filter to protect your hair, and any colour, from fading due to the sun.

Mallow_Beauty_Balm_HerbfarmacyMallow Beauty Balm (Herbfarmacy) – This gorgeous balm has a long list of awards next to it’s name. And we’re not at all surprised! It is deeply hydrating and will leave your face feeling fresh and nourished.

It’s perfect for soothing any sun damage whilst acting as an intensive moisturiser. The key ingredients are Marshmallow and Mullein, an infused oil with a natural anti-wrinkle effect. This balm works great as a general all-over facial moisturiser or you can use it on any lines for an intensive targeted repair.

But don’t over do it! It’s a very rich formula we would recommend just using it once or twice a week.